I have made available several computer programs that I have written over the last few years, which I hope you will find useful. These are the following:
Mike Glazer’s Website
VIBRATE! Program to compute irreducible representations CHAINPLOT Demonstrate the motion of atoms on a chain FOURIER Demonstrate Fourier synthesis as used in crystallography MEGAW Compute effect of octahedral tilting in perovskites WINDICVOL GUI interface to the DICVOL91 powder autoindexing program WINOPTACT Calculation of optical rotation and birefringence from a crystal structure SUMO Simple user-defined mathematical operations REFINE General non-linear least-squares refinement with user- defined functions
I have made available several computer programs that I have written over the last few years, which I hope you will find useful. These are the following:
Mike Glazer’s Website
VIBRATE! Program to compute irreducible representations CHAINPLOT Demonstrate the motion of atoms on a chain FOURIER Demonstrate Fourier synthesis as used in crystallography MEGAW Compute effect of octahedral tilting in perovskites WINDICVOL GUI interface to the DICVOL91 powder autoindexing program WINOPTACT Calculation of optical rotation and birefringence from a crystal structure SUMO Simple user-defined mathematical operations REFINE General non-linear least-squares refinement with user- defined functions