The Two Braggs Exhibition (Warwick University August 2013)

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    At the end of August 2013, an exhibition devoted to the lives and works of W.H. and W.L. Bragg was mounted by Mike Glazer (Emeritus Professor of Physics, Oxford University & Visiting professor, Warwick University) and Pamela Thomas (Professor of Physics & Chair of the Faculty of Science, Warwick University).

    The exhibition took place in the Helen Martin Studio of the Warwick Arts Centre and coincided with the 28th European Crystallography Meeting.

    Sponsorship and loans of exhibits were obtained   from numerous institutions and companies, and are acknowledged in the Catalogue of the Exhibition, which can be found by clicking here (courtesy of Crystallography Reviews).

    You can also view the pamphlet produced for the exhibition as well as a copy of W.L. Bragg’s first paper published in the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, incorporating notes by Mike Glazer.

    Videos have now been added showing interviews of Kathleen Lonsdale and Paul Ewald here.

    New book on Sir Lawrence Bragg and his wife here!

    Mike Glazer

    Photographs by permission of Michelle Tennison, on behalf

    of the Faculty of Science, University of Warwick